As the game keeps getting bigger, and more reoccurring comments continue to... reoccur -
I figured an FAQ was in order!
This will be a growing list, most likely, but for now it will be quite simple.

Is there NSFW? Is there Romance?
Short - No. No.
This was probably the hardest decision for me, as I considered for a long time whether I really wanted romance or not within MoonFire. I definitely wanted a bonding mechanic of some kind. Eventually, though, I had to make my decision.
Whenever people see MoonFire, a Furry Visual Novel, some may instantly already think it's an NSFW dating game. (To no ones fault, there are some good ones out there!) But I was also getting bothered by how I had to correct peoples perception, before they even saw the game, because they'd dismiss it solely on the basis of their assumption. (Furries and Non furs alike, so no one is to blame.)
We're trying to separate ourselves from this cliche, and alongside such a serious story that means so much to me, I didn't want to add in too many mechanics and options to devert from that.
You'll see the vision once you play.
And don't worry, I can always make a romance game in the future ;3
Will there be a Mac Version? Mobile version?
Short - Hard to say but mobile eventually for sure.
VN's and the like are perfect for Mobile alongside PC. Simpler VN's are easier to port, however. And with MoonFire's many RPG mechanics, systems, it was really buggy when I made a test demo of just Chapter 1.
Now imagine Chapter 3 open world, with tons of more content for the scene. There's a lot of optimization to be needed for other versions.
Because of this, while I'd like to say yes to every version, I'm just handling one at a time for now. We will be finishing the PC/Steam version in its entirety, before I move on to other versions. Mobile will be next on the list. This lets me finish the game faster, but also put all my attention into each version, so that when you do finally play, it will be in it's best state to play!
When does it release on Steam/Itchio?
Short - Mid 2024
You can expect to see the game release sometime in the third quarter of 2024. Some indies and even AAA sometimes won't tell you the release date until a month or two in advance. (Some even drop a day after announcements)
I'm hoping we'll be able to tell you with at least 2-3 months notice! But it's hard to say until the game is officially finished early 2024. But we have the window!
How much will the game be?
Short - TBD
This will come out alongside the announcement of our release date. Do not worry though, it most likely will not be $25+ like other long form visual novels. Keep in mind there are VN's that still release today at the $50-$60 mark.
I understand the concerns for hoping the game will be $5-$10 but I also cannot offer that. Most VN's in this range are either lackluster in mechanics/art, or are 2-4 hours max in playtime. MoonFire is neither of these. We are aiming for a generous 10-12+ hours main playthrough time.
The length alone is equivalent to two, long novels in word span. A single hardcover book releases around $12-$18, and that's just words and material - not considering art, music, and development of an entire video game beside it. So anything $25 and under is quite a beneficial amount for the player. (Plus it supports small time indies so we can continue to make these experiences for you!)
Hopefully that sheds some light on the topic. There will be a ton to experience! So that is the range you can expect from us for now.
I might make a more in-depth blog in the future. Maybe expressing the expenses, details and difficulties of the game making process, could be fun.
~ Thank you ~
And feel free to ask any questions. I try to answer everyone as clear and honestly as I can from my current perspective. As games continue to be created, they can always change during development. So nothing ever said is 100% set in stone, so keep that in mind ^^